Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35- Syrup

Syrup you ask? Yes I drew a bottle of syrup, but there's a really good story to go with it. What is the price you would pay to take a shower before 10 at night? Today the price I paid was pancake syrup. Except I wasn't the only who paid the price. Simon paid everyone else. Everyone being Desi, the dog, the floor, the table, the carpet, the sofa, the dog kennel, and then Steve and I via cleanup. I didn't get pictures of Moby, I did get picture of Desi.
Mistake 1: We let the boys play together while we showered and got ready. Mistake 2: I didn't clean up breakfast first. Mistake 3: Did I mention I left my 4 year old unattended?
Steve got out of the shower and ready first. He went to check on the boys. He called for me to come quick, come now, I had to see this! I looked. Desi was standing in the middle of the front room with a huge grin on his face, patting his head. Not exactly patting though, more like sticking and unsticking his hand to his head. He was completely covered in syrup, and he was happy. I imagine it must have felt cool to have your hand stick to your head if you've never experienced it before.
I got got out of the nice clothes I was wearing, Steve sent Desi up to me and I plopped him in the bathtub.
Next Steve found the dog. Poor puppy dog, I wish I had taken a picture of him. Even more covered than Desi and then after he went outside he came back with sticks, leaves, dirt, and grass stuck to the syrup. Moby had to go outside. Simon was nowhere to be found. Hiding. In the bathroom trying to remove all evidence from his hands and clothes. He was found naked in the bathroom trying to change his clothes before we realized he was covered in syrup. When Steve found him he said, "Uh, Daddy, I need new clothes." Busted. Up to the bathtub too.
Steve cleaned the carpets. Steve cleaned the table. Steve cleaned the sofa. Steve cleaned the dog kennel. I cleaned the boys. Simon went and helped Dad clean too.  Moby got cleaned. The downstairs bathroom got cleaned (they get really dirty after you give a dog a bath, but that's a whole 'nother story). I was no longer clean. I was sticky. I smelled like wet dog. Lego Lord of the Rings got deleted of the Xbox.
And that my friends is one of the exciting things that happened in our house today. I'm not gonna tell you about how Simon knocked over and broke a grandfather clock yesterday, Steve took the shattered glass door in to get replaced today. Oh wait, I just told you. Boys+parents distracted by football game=disasters. Multiple disasters. But that's a whole 'nother story too!
major shadows on this trying to get a focused picture
the bottle was halfway full. or was it half empty?
In the following pictures Desi has absolutely no water on his head or hair- everything you see is syrup.
line down the nose- syrup.

matted hair- syrup

dribble on the nose- syrup
product making the hair stay down and stick out- syrup
 glistening drops in the the hair- syrup
 brown all over the forehead- you guessed it- syrup!

all clean! this boy is too cute!

I can't believe Simon did this. He was in major trouble. New consequence is loss of toys/tv/video games. Lord of the Rings Legos (demo) is his favorite thing right now so that's what went. Whatever he is currently playing with is what we take away because that seems to have the most dramatic impact. Time-out wasn't working so we had to get creative. Perhaps this story should have gone on one of my other blogs? Oh well, there's a drawing of a syrup bottle so it can totally belong here, right?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34- Break Day

This is actually a painting not a drawing (but in my defense I did have to draw it all out before I painted it, at least I think I did, that's normal what I do), I was too lazy to go upstairs and pull a sketchbook out of the closet and pick an old picture to do, and this is at the bottom of the stairs so I took the easy way out. Don't judge. You'd do it too if you were me. My husband is home tonight and wants to hang out with me and is playing video games waiting very patiently for me to finish blogging. I did this painting in high school, it hangs in our entry way now. This picture has horrible lighting and doesn't do it justice, so instead I think I will post the picture I have put on facebook and instagram and my blog, in like 5 different ways. Or just link back to my other post of it I'm super in love with my parents chairs right now so that's why I keep posting them!
poor lighting AND out of focus, can you tell it's late and I'm tired?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33- Angel riding a Dolphin

I wish I had a clever title for today, but I don't. My sis-in-law Kristy who gave us the elephant I posted yesterday texted me a picture of this beauty today. She said she got it for our anniversary this year and was sorry she missed it (honestly though, who remember those things for other people besides yourself and your parents maybe?) It's a soap dish. I can't say much more, I don't think there are words out there to do this justice.

 Just realized the picture is out of focus from when I snapped a picture of the sketch with my camera. Whoops, you aren't missing out on too much though so don't worry, my drawing didn't really do it justice anyway and I was looking at a tiny half inch picture on my phone when I drew it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 32- Elephant

I love this golden elephant, and I will draw it again this year. Today is just a quick sketch of it, eventually I will do a more detailed one, it has a metallic finish and ridges etched into it which makes for lots of dramatic differences and lots of fun shading. But for today a sketch. My sis-in-law Kristy gave this to Steve and I one year for our anniversary. When she gave it to us I was kinda like what the heck does an elephant have to do with our anniversary, but I freaking love this thing and it is always front and center in our house, he is just so cute, I can't explain it, I love him and he is so perfect! There are a few things I don't quite like about the sketch but I was tired and didn't care too much. Things being the ear not being rounded right and the little bit of shading in the front that I did do looks awkward, and I made his trunk curve forward to much. I didn't do this cute little guy justice, so I will definitely be doing him again eventually, and it will probably take a couple of hours instead of 5 minutes.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 31- Dinosaur Lamp

Every night when I am sitting in the boys room in the recliner nursing Desi I stare at Simon's lamp on his nightstand and I think, "I should draw that for my picture one night." Tonight I drew it, except I wasn't in their room when I did it, and I couldn't remember exactly what it looked like, so I had to look it up online and find a picture of his lamp so I could draw it right. Since I'm not posting a picture of the actual lamp this time, none of you would actual know if it had 3 spikes on its back or 4 or the exact curve of the back, but I wanted to get it right. I think this type of drawing is called a gesture, when you kind of just get the the gist of what you are drawing and are all detailed. At least in my mind gesture drawings are supposed to have squiggly edges instead of straight lines, so that's what I did. I actually added the squiggly lines after I was done with it because it just seemed too boring without them.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 30- Alligator

I told Simon tonight that I needed to do a drawing and he said he wanted to help me. Sadly, he did not help with the actual drawing today (that would be a nice excuse for the way it looks like a kid drew it, but no it was me). I got him some paper and crayons and a blue marker so he could draw too at the same time. He told me wanted me to draw an alligator, so I attempted an alligator from my imagination. I am horrible at drawing things that I can't actually see. I could never be a cartoonist or anything like that, because if it's not realistic and I'm not looking at a picture or the real thing, it's gonna look like a little kid drew it. Case in point:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29- Cell Phone

Earlier this week Desi dropped my cell phone into the dog bowl. Luckily I still have Steve's old phone hanging around just in case something like this happens. I actually keep it in the diaper bag in case we are out when this happens. Prepared, I know. Really I just know my self and my kids and what we are capable of. I'm honestly surprised my phone still works with as many times as it's been dropped on the ground, thrown onto the ground, stepped on, dropped in water, etc. I've had this phone since November 3, 2009. That's a pretty long time, and this thing has held up to a lot of abuse. But anyways, after Desi dropped in the water bowl, I screamed and grabbed the phone out of the water. I tried to pull the case off so I could take the battery off quickly, but of course I couldn't get the case off. The case falls off every time I, or Desi, drop the phone, but of course this one time I need to come off quickly, it doesn't. While I was trying to yank the case off I saw the screen light up everytime I pushed the buttons accidentally, so I knew it was still working but I didn't want the water to fry something. I finally got the case off, pulled the battery out and stuck the battery and SIM card in Steve's phone. Of course this happened on a day when I was trying to schedule meeting up with two different people who's numbers I did not have because they were on the phone not the SIM card (back up all your numbers onto your card! Now! Go! I'll wait!) Anyways, I let my phone sit for a day just in case even though I was pretty sure it was okay since it was turning on while I was taking the case off and it was. I love my phone. I've only had Samsung cell phones and they are the best, I beat the crap out of them and have never had one break or die or screens crack or anything like that. Love my Samsung's! So without further rambling I present to you a slightly out of scale drawing of my dear cell phone!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28- Break Day

In honor of the cool pointillism painting my dad found while we were thrift shopping this week and the pointillism picture I did of the ammonite, today's picture is one from high school. It is a pointillism doodle I did in high school, sadly it has one line in it that was an accident but sad all the same. I also have no more interesting things to type up this time. I'm currently watching Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring with my husband, and I'm ready to be done typing and cuddle with him to watch the movie. Nights with him are quite rare around these parts because he works nights, and I kinda like him and want to cuddle him.