Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35- Syrup

Syrup you ask? Yes I drew a bottle of syrup, but there's a really good story to go with it. What is the price you would pay to take a shower before 10 at night? Today the price I paid was pancake syrup. Except I wasn't the only who paid the price. Simon paid everyone else. Everyone being Desi, the dog, the floor, the table, the carpet, the sofa, the dog kennel, and then Steve and I via cleanup. I didn't get pictures of Moby, I did get picture of Desi.
Mistake 1: We let the boys play together while we showered and got ready. Mistake 2: I didn't clean up breakfast first. Mistake 3: Did I mention I left my 4 year old unattended?
Steve got out of the shower and ready first. He went to check on the boys. He called for me to come quick, come now, I had to see this! I looked. Desi was standing in the middle of the front room with a huge grin on his face, patting his head. Not exactly patting though, more like sticking and unsticking his hand to his head. He was completely covered in syrup, and he was happy. I imagine it must have felt cool to have your hand stick to your head if you've never experienced it before.
I got got out of the nice clothes I was wearing, Steve sent Desi up to me and I plopped him in the bathtub.
Next Steve found the dog. Poor puppy dog, I wish I had taken a picture of him. Even more covered than Desi and then after he went outside he came back with sticks, leaves, dirt, and grass stuck to the syrup. Moby had to go outside. Simon was nowhere to be found. Hiding. In the bathroom trying to remove all evidence from his hands and clothes. He was found naked in the bathroom trying to change his clothes before we realized he was covered in syrup. When Steve found him he said, "Uh, Daddy, I need new clothes." Busted. Up to the bathtub too.
Steve cleaned the carpets. Steve cleaned the table. Steve cleaned the sofa. Steve cleaned the dog kennel. I cleaned the boys. Simon went and helped Dad clean too.  Moby got cleaned. The downstairs bathroom got cleaned (they get really dirty after you give a dog a bath, but that's a whole 'nother story). I was no longer clean. I was sticky. I smelled like wet dog. Lego Lord of the Rings got deleted of the Xbox.
And that my friends is one of the exciting things that happened in our house today. I'm not gonna tell you about how Simon knocked over and broke a grandfather clock yesterday, Steve took the shattered glass door in to get replaced today. Oh wait, I just told you. Boys+parents distracted by football game=disasters. Multiple disasters. But that's a whole 'nother story too!
major shadows on this trying to get a focused picture
the bottle was halfway full. or was it half empty?
In the following pictures Desi has absolutely no water on his head or hair- everything you see is syrup.
line down the nose- syrup.

matted hair- syrup

dribble on the nose- syrup
product making the hair stay down and stick out- syrup
 glistening drops in the the hair- syrup
 brown all over the forehead- you guessed it- syrup!

all clean! this boy is too cute!

I can't believe Simon did this. He was in major trouble. New consequence is loss of toys/tv/video games. Lord of the Rings Legos (demo) is his favorite thing right now so that's what went. Whatever he is currently playing with is what we take away because that seems to have the most dramatic impact. Time-out wasn't working so we had to get creative. Perhaps this story should have gone on one of my other blogs? Oh well, there's a drawing of a syrup bottle so it can totally belong here, right?


  1. That reminds me of the time I gave Leslie a mudbath.

    1. Bahahaha. Papa said the same thing. That's awesome!

  2. Too funny. That's quite a bit of syrup. BTW, you skipped day #34. :)

    1. Whoops, I misnumbered them. Fixed! I forgot to mention there was also a bottle of ginger syrup about 1/3 full that he also emptied.

  3. Holy crap, that sucks! Please remind me of this story next time I want to put Phin up for adoption so I know I'm not the only one.

    1. I sometimes forget he is only 4 years old and cant always make good choices or know how yet. But he is typically so well behaved I don't know what to do when he does normal little kid things and I kind of flip. I did good this time though, kept calm. I'm pretty sure the shock factor helped a lot. You cant gt mad if you are just standing there in disbelief and not capable of proccessing what happened. Sometimes though selling to gypsies seems like a good idea, but he is really amazing and I couldnt live without him.

  4. It reminded me of when Abigail smeared A&D ointment all over the bedroom. Yuck for both. At least Abigail kept it contained in one room! Hopefully Simon does not do anything like this again. I really enjoyed reading this post. Put a smile on my face! :D

    1. Oh yeah, I forgot about that time. I think it is a rite of passage for parenthood. Except I go through the rite of passage almost weekly.
