Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12- Anniversary Flowers

Today is our 6th Anniversary of our Wedding! Married 6 years. Sometimes I think, 6 years, that's barely anything, and other times 6 years seems like quite a long time. Either way, I'm very happy to be married to Steve. I love him, and he really is my best friend, and quite attractive to boot, I feel pretty lucky to have him. This morning he brought me breakfast in bed when he got home from work (have I mentioned he works nights so he gets off work at 8ish am). He brought me two plain glazed donuts (my favorite) and some strawberry milk. He also gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and a very sweet card. I was lame and didn't do anything... I know, I know, I suck horribly. But we are finally going to go on a date on the 16th, I'm thinking to celebrate our anniversary, so I will have to have something special for him that night. In honor of the flowers he gave me, I chose to sketch one of the lillies from the arrangement. These lillies in the arrangement were orange and beautiful, sadly the boys end up destroying them on the 15th while I am in the bathroom. The entire contents of the vase (flowers and water) end up on the dining room table and floor. Not to mention all of my paints and some other stuff. Mom is very, very, angry. We also had lillies at our wedding, those ones were white and beautiful. My mom did the flowers for our wedding and they were so pretty.
I didn't *really* finish this one either, I had more I wanted to do but the boys walked in at this point, and came straight towards the flowers I was drawing and bumped the vase and moved them, and since so much of this one was dependent on the angle and lighting it couldn't really be replicated elsewhere in the house, and I am satisfied with this even though there is lots of white on the page still.
I snapped this photo of them after I was done sketching from a similar angle as when I was drawing.


  1. I'm the only one that didn't have lilies at my wedding. Interesting. I'm the oddball in so many different ways. I'm also lame and don't really do anything for our anniversary. Probably because Carl is hard to shop for.

  2. Good drawing of the lily. Too bad the boys destroyed them. Girls wouldn't have done that. :)
