Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 15- Owl Gloves

My sister Leslie gave me these awesome owl convertible mittens/gloves for Christmas. They are so freaking cute I absolutely love them. They have these little pom pom ears and are brown knit. I realized partway through this drawing that drawing knit gloves is a bad idea. There are a ton of little threads making up those suckers. So I kind of cheated and made the look of the threads without actually drawing every single thread. It is surprisingly difficult for me to fake texture because I am a bit of a realist I guess you would say, and I like to draw things exactly how they look, so not doing the real texture was difficult, but I do like the way they turned out. I really need to get a manicure, my nails are horrible and uneven. I've never had a real manicure or pedicure before can you believe that!? Just sisters and roommates and myself have done these nails.
picture of sketch taken with my camera, what looks like shading at the bottom is actually the shadow of my camera.

 picture taken later at a different angle


  1. I love this drawing! Not only because I gave you the mittens, but because the detail is pretty good also. And, I'd never had a pedi until Heather and Nick treated before the cruise, and have never had a mani. Come up to visit and we will go get our nails did. ;)

  2. Sounds like a plan! And I love the gloves too, picture and the real things. They are sooo cute! So so cute.

  3. Don't feel bad Kari. I have only had one manicure/pedicure. It was a couple of years ago. Grandmama did it for me. It wasn't my cup of tea though. Your picture is cute. I was with Leslie when she got these for you. :)
