Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17- Pumpkin Head

Today's picture is my baby Desi-boo (who was actually a year old when this picture was taken this past fall).  He is holding on to dad's pumpkin at a pumpkin patch we went to with my sis Les, her two kids, and my mom when we were last in Idaho. It was really fun and the kids loved it. We got to ride in a "train" to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins then we rode it back to the rest of the place for games and a corn maze. It was pretty fun, it was a little cold outside, but that's okay we had fun anyways.
I purposely did not include his head. At first I was going to do the pumpkin only, but then decided to add Desi because I wasn't sure how to shade realistically without him there. 


  1. I love Desi-boo. Didn't we do the maze first and then the train ride? Or have I already forgotten?

  2. Not sure, but after you left we stayed and did the big corn maze.

  3. I think we did the maze first. Have to check the order of my pictures to be positive. This is a nice picture.

  4. So fun Kari your drawing are really good so much detail I really like that candle stick such a good deal anyhow I'm excited to keep looking at your pics. I'll do my best to keep on it actually if I remember ill add it to my reader and then I will be better bout reading.

    1. Thanks Angie. I am glad I am doing this but some nights it's very time consuming. More reason to get the boys to bed on time!
