Have you ever heard of a Mobius strip? Today I drew a Mobius strip in honor of our new dog we got at the pound today. Steve named him Mobius in honor of some robot protector thing in a video game, I just think it's a cool name. Regardless, we had some friends over and both people in the couple separately explained to Steve and I what a Mobius strip is, and we even got a demo, I have to admit, they are pretty cool. What you do is take a strip paper, turn it one time and tape it together. You now have a Mobius Strip, a three dimensional object that only has one side! Really, it only has one side. Don't believe me? Go ahead, find some paper and tear off a little strip, I'll wait while you find some paper and tape.... Now take a marker (sorry I should have told you get to a marker or pen while you were looking for the tape, they are probably in the same drawer), take your marker and start drawing a line down your strip, trace along it and just keep going, before you know it you will have done a line across the whole thing, and ended where you started without lifting up your pen! Craziness I know! So anyways, in honor of our new dog Mobius, and my math nerd self and friends, here is my very simple drawing of a mobius strip.

It's sideways, blogger made it go sideways and I don't know how to fix it...
P.S.- The reason our friends told us separately is because the men were at our house watching the kids and playing video games while the women were supposed to be at a church activity. I went to pick up Ellie and Leslie and a dog kennel, and we ended up just staying at Leslie's (and Ricky's) house chatting for a few hours. Whoops! (While we were at Leslie's though was when she told us about a mobius stip, when we got back to my house is when Terre told us about them and made one and did the drawing a line thing, so cool!) Then Ellie and I went back to my house where she was able to get her husband Terrence, and kids and go home. It was a fantastic evening for the ladies and men, and I am excited that we are finally making a few friends in our new congregation at church.
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