Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 31- Dinosaur Lamp

Every night when I am sitting in the boys room in the recliner nursing Desi I stare at Simon's lamp on his nightstand and I think, "I should draw that for my picture one night." Tonight I drew it, except I wasn't in their room when I did it, and I couldn't remember exactly what it looked like, so I had to look it up online and find a picture of his lamp so I could draw it right. Since I'm not posting a picture of the actual lamp this time, none of you would actual know if it had 3 spikes on its back or 4 or the exact curve of the back, but I wanted to get it right. I think this type of drawing is called a gesture, when you kind of just get the the gist of what you are drawing and are all detailed. At least in my mind gesture drawings are supposed to have squiggly edges instead of straight lines, so that's what I did. I actually added the squiggly lines after I was done with it because it just seemed too boring without them.


  1. I like that lamp. This drawing needs color to capture the full essence of the lamp.

  2. He is cute. And I agree with Leslie. It is adorable.
